Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2019

Become an astrologer

Become an astrologer which uses vedic astrology in a way that others can understand it easily. 

The world is in a state of "enlightenment". 
Translated literally from Sanskrit, "Jyotish" means as much as "bringing light into something". This is the internal concern of vedic astrology.
But,..WHERE you can learn this high

art? Here is my answer: Learn it with me!

Now my approach is very free, personal, somewhat unconventional and original at the same time.

In my opinion, the time of the gurus -
in the usual sense - is over. We have all become "our mutual masters". thanks to the INTERNET, "EVERYONE teaches everyone everywhere at all times WHEN-ever he/she is agreeable and "open for it".

The knowledge is "everywhere" and therefore the service I personally would offer is nothing less and more than "HELP for SELF-HELP. "I" so to say coach you "to become an astrologer".

YOUTUBE and several other pages give you

all the knowledge that you need. I only accompany you over
WHATSAPP or SKYPE or TELEPHONE and are always ready, or sometimes with short delay "ready" to provide you with the expertise to master Yourself through the "KNOWLEDGE-jungle". Taking care  that you understand everything right, giving You the FRAMEWORK,.. the "with WHAT" and "HOW TO START" and in this way coaching you to develop your own counseling style.

I have already checked your horoscope in advance and see what exactly is your potential. Will you become an "hobby-astrologer" or someone who possesses high "consulting-calibre" and "professional-astrologer-capacity"?

Some will need only 6 months, others maybe 3 years. Everyone at His / Her pace. I am prepared for all this.

Together, we first understand your
OWN Horoscope in its entirety and then, on YOUR CHOICE, either that of your life-partner, your child, your boss, popstar, favorite athlete, politician... whatever. Everything on the "fun and explorer"-level.

You GOOGLE I check, correct, test,
question you in weekly / monthly

Let me 
conclude with an importend note: 

I myself support something I would name "the EMPATHICAL astrologer". 

I do not support "SANSKRIT WORD
Juggler, neither any kind of "KARMA KANDA-Astrology".

Let me explain. Unfortunately nowadays  vedic astrology often becomes abused. Either people want to shine  with their "half-KNOWLEDGE" or concentrade too much on the

"buisness-aspect" of astrology, focusing on forselling Yajnas (fire-sacrifys) so called "stone-REMEDIES" ("Your THIS or THAT planet is BAD"). This all I consider not proper. The focus in a vedic consultation should lie on selfrealisation and leading people towards their OPTIMUM is their private, professional and spiritual life... nothing else.

I'm not saying gems and mantras are generally to be rejected, no,...but it's far more important to get insight into the karmic-PSYCHOLOGICAL drama of a consultant and explain him how his horoscope works in the practical life.

Conclusion: It is my passion to train empathic, enlightened astrologers.

People who have the potential to help others out of their suffering, ignorance, grief, inner meaninglessness and inner emptiness.

In this regard in my "technic" I even support
WESTERN ASTRO SOFTWARE, I mean I ll use classical grafics  to "explain" vedic astrology-truths to consultants, simply because it will take another 25 years before the WESTERN SPIRIT even got familiar with the basics of the SANSKRIT-notions of vedic astrology.

Of course I myself only look at the VEDIC horoscope of the horoscope-owners, with the indication that the WESTERN-CLASSICAL graphics should be counted 27 degrees back, so that it suits the actual astronomic reality. 😉
The aspects are the same in the sidereal and tropical zodiacs only the house-system and the number of degrees differ.

Another fact You might like is:

I include PLUTO, NEPTUN, URANUS, CHIRON and LILITH into the vedic horoscope. 70% of those seeking advice are already familiar with these planets and their character.

Therefore, if I have made you curious with this short article, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me in a personal conversation to get more details and conditions on how that training would run.


yours ART Astrologer

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