Samstag, 24. November 2018

scan Your future - scan Your spouse

Short presentation by ART Astrologer Leonardo 

In vedic astrology we understand that
only conciousness is free. Our "free will" is really limlited. 

The "story of Your life" , the "story of Your love-life" , the "role" You will play during this incarnation, all this is already SET in the moment You take birth in a hospital or at home.

There is especially another divitional CHART, called NAVAMSHA-Chart, which will show You for example WHERE You personally will stand in the "second part of Your life". HOW Your partner will BE and how YOU will be, once You go in any kind of deeper relationship-commitment or buisness-binding.

There is a COVER and there is WHAT IS "inside of the BOX". Others and You have a manual and its really good to know about these things.

Means YOU can get Yourself scanned
and You can SCAN Your LOVE, Your partner, their and Your own future.

To take advantige of this knowledge could be really extremely helpful for You. 
It helps You to make right and good decisions in Your life, as well as to get self-realized and maybe more humble or courageous about the place and/or position You have or will find in life.

If You need to know more about it,
just book a non-binding info-talk with me under:

Samstag, 17. November 2018

Dear Friends
The energy gets again a bit spicy towards
the end of 2018. On the one hand decisions can be made easily, quick and good
But now 3 weeks MERCURY RETROGADE are also to be considered.
Maybe wait with Your Chrismas shopping until AFTER 6.12. Often people reclamate things they bought during MERCURY retrogade periods.
On the psychological level some inner and outer conflicts have to be expected until midst of december.
(JUPITER square MARS/ MARS square SUN)

Conflicts are send by the material nature to make us  more strong and build up an inner fundament where we are weak.

Without conflicts we never could build up something like a "character"
Please follow the attached  YOUTUBE Video. I selected some main constellations to prepare You better for these last weeks in the year.
Please skip the VIDEO until the middle, because I will start first to approuch my  German speaking audiance in the video.

Let me know if You want to book a consultation. There are still little gabs free to discuss Your individual situation. (LIVE-chat or as mp3-AUDIO order)

You will hear one more time from me this year
ys ART Astrologer

Freitag, 22. Juni 2018

if something is over another thing begins

Dear friends 😃
SATURN-MOON on 28.6. in
combination with some other constellations makes a reality visible to most of us.

Are you already aware of how our world is becoming more and more transparent with each passing day now?
Who feels with me the silence of truth coming closer and closer? 

Well, what should we do if something unpleasant becomes clear to us? First of all, to BE unpleased is ONLY a reaction! If we are ready to change our attitude and/or point of view, or turn our vision into a REALISATION, then we may even be inspired by "divine insight" over these days. 

With every END of something another chapter is FREE to begin! If the "mirror on the wall" reveals something to us that does not please our life-management/control and general orientation, I would rather recommand to persistently reflect on the subject than to resign or start to think NEGATIVELY.
SATURN always means/brings TRUTH. It may hurt a bit sometimes, but in the long run will be always GOOD too.

Please contact me if you think I could help you in this process of refinement

Yours ART Astrologer

Freitag, 11. Mai 2018

it makes You 2018

If I think about writing a newsletter a lot of things pop up in my mind these days. But as my daily schedule is somewhat too though I can not write books about it 😏.

On longterm I also concentrade on my VIDEOS and so therefore in my newest VIDEO (please see down) I want to give You an idea, what is the best additude to dive into the next months.

But this exalted KETU/MARS - (sometimes even in SQUARE with URANUS!) is much much more than the catalysator I discripe here. It also brings the chance for playing too much with the fire as things can
develope so quick, slip out of our control and then we would become victim of the situation.

Therefore I humbly emphasize to You readers to just for a moment focus on the upcoming weeks and please get an idea of HOW and WHAT could make You become angry these days? 

WHAT exactly must happen for You personally to loose Your temper and slip into wrong decisions?

If You at one point are clear WHERE EXACTLY the enemy sits You will be better prepared then walking blindly into the next month until October 2018.

Like other Astrologers I also have an
eye on the TERROR- potentual which this constellation has. But eventhough this danger is defently there - in our private and in our collective field - I would like to highlight, that we ALSO could work out our energys and dreams douple as good out with this constellation, as in other years.

Feeling these stars of the next weeks and months I had asked myself: 

Is this VENUS-YEAR not much much more a MARS YEAR, with this long MARS-KETU-YOGA? (which arises due to MARS getting retrogade between 27. 06. 2018 – 27. 08. 2018)

But its still a VENUS-year, simply because VENUS, - self-LOVE and care for others MUST BE the answer here!

Also let us remember that the last words in some matters will be spoken in the time when VENUS herself gets retrogade between 05.10.2018 - 16.11.2018

So lets keep in touch and please get clear in which PLACES You have MARS/KETU and URANUS active in Your own horoscope in the very importend time of HAPPENINGS and DECISIONS between NOW and October.

ALSO: From today until 23.5. URANUS-MARS is for the first time exact.
Just today a hysteric little pinchy-dog in the neigborhood were barking for hours and stole almost my whole siesta time (I work mostly mornings and evenings).

What I want to say to You with this? 
Be prepared to get provocated. (CARS DRIVERS PLEASE TAKE MORE CARE!) Its unfortuantly not the most easy time now.

But actually,.. in the between there will be huge SKY-BREAKS with aspects
which are able to open to You doors, which You never were allowing Yourself to even dream of.

And maybe I could coach the one or other towards this great chance in Your life.


ART Astrologer



Donnerstag, 26. April 2018

MARS and FULLMOON End of APRIL - Beginning MAY

This MARS-Period want to teach us
giving up the mis-use of energies and giving up leaving our lifes battlefield. 

MARS-PLUTO-Yoga helps us to learn to improve in a more effective way, with the right attitude. And sometimes being passiv while thinking in a good way and silently doing the right and needful is the best weappon to come over obsticles and inner blocks.

There is a big container of guiding dreams and guidelines poping up from our sub-conciessness these days. Please take careful attention towards these dreams and Your inner voice.

Finally the FULLMOON next monday falls into SWATI Nakshatra (Libra). SWATI means sword.

Lets try to release ourselves from past mistakes and start to fight more
intelligently - means,
without hurting or disturbing others. The stars also stand quiet good to understand how to make progress in changing unfavorable additudes in general, especially regarding relationships and our lifes-careers.Need personal input,.. msg me on SKYPE (whenyougoback) or write to for an appointment of mp3 reading

Sonntag, 8. April 2018

warm brise 2018

Maybe You felt it too.... since friday 6.4. the stars had done a shift towards
the warm feelings and health again. Especially in this year, where the VENUS is so close to the earth it will intensivy our need for LOVE-expression and exchange tremedious. 
Bad for those, who have difficult transits towards their own VENUS in birthchart, happy those, who get the good SUNRAYS of this VENUS.

Now where this VENUS is anyway there, You have to engage her! VENUS always should be engaged - otherwise SHE kills You. Do something creativ, artistic. Express HER. Try to GIVE LOVE to others. Think about, WHO IS REALLY DEAR to You. 

Art Astrologer wishes You all the best,.. and let me know if You have personal questions.

Donnerstag, 29. März 2018

How to move on 2018

How to move on 2018?
Well ,.. first of all TODAY is a moonbreak over the WHOLE DAY (depand WHERE u live,.. europian zone at least). That makes us somewhat feel with thin skin. Good that it is eastern in many countries and You dont need to work....

Then tomorrow fullmoon and slowly the question of the next episode in our lifes arises. And for me it seems like either You try crash through by hook and by crook or You change into the passive modus and risk the danger to get kicked out of the game in some
way or another.Try to do some things later and with precaution.

I guess most of us will catch ourselves in that moment, where we slitely or grossly "did it again" already.
"OOOppps I did it again",.. something
like this. Because these stars are not that easy to overcome. I am speaking about next week.

We have our plans and we have to act in some way or another. Can we really be passive? Answer is actually NO. But we could try to to act as wise as possible and stay ethically least try.

Fact is SATURN stands in SQUARE to the SUN AND SATURN is on the MARS. Means,..there is THIS STOP,..this OBSTICLE. Most likely we will get a big or a small lesson.

There is always something to tolerate. But this "everyone against everyone" is really a kind of horrortrip for me. I
personally hope I can stay in one save corner
of this universe and do my things unnoticed.

Sonntag, 4. März 2018

ASTRO TREND Week 5 - 12.3.2018
The mood is "mind-blowing-crystal-sweet,, because MERCURY and VENUS are standing together.

Be aware that the communication focus naturally in direction of realizing our concerns and even dreams and deep heartfelt wishes, because today also NEPTUN / SUN are exact.

Unfortunately, after some euphoria at the beginning of the week towards the end there comes the first damper, .. but who cares? We already know that 😏.

Conclusion: "If you come out in the half, you still made something out of it."

Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018

Astrotrend 19.1.2018
MOON joins in TENSION to MARS and JUPITER. Sensitivity in dealing with other persons. Many have to deal with the past and still try to get their 2018-situation under control.

We can therefore assume that everyone is 89.9% self-centered and Mother Theresas are in short supply these days.  

Good prepared with velvet-gloves one
still could meet others and somewhat master the day.

Oh, .. oh yes, .. please, if necessary, also bring a set of velvet gloves for yourself and hand over to the others before the action starts.

Samstag, 13. Januar 2018

No cheap Love - Isolation Stars

The 2018 Start, means, the VENUS -
Year-start still has to come in March, because only then the YEAR-ruler gets into HER work.

BUT,.. the year starts with a big preperation and purification. VENUS has pass SATURN already on Chrismas, is just now with PLUTO and will be with KETU end of January,

About SATURN, means WHAT/CAN really be long-lasting (not only LOVE but also projects-money, as SATURN were in a relation with MERCURY as well)

About PLUTO, its this "NETI - NETI",.. "its not THIS and its not THAT,.. yeah,. WHAT IS IT THEN?"

Things, relation, even businesses start to peal, like "God is pealing Your "LIFE-POTATO".

Then at the end: VENUS-KETU = deliverance, around end of this month, not to mention VENUS aspect to URANUS these days (freeing whirlpool of affections).

So, let go some of Your sorts of wrong romantic ideas about Your LOVE-life alltogether. Just be ready for a more realistic view on HOW and with WHOM you really can live, WHOM You really could breath most of Your days and how this LIVING could anyway look like. And those of my readers who are not living alone by now, lets arrange better orders how to organize ourselves more authentic.

In all this purification and realizations stay polite to all this great souls around You. You could call it: Sometimes You love the wrong, or "that You love someone, not necessary means, that You allowed to spend much time together, or "what You can not change, You must tolerate".

And practise this chinese techniqe, by which You visulize someone You really
adore and then take this feeling to the ones You think that they are Your enemy.

By the way,.. I am speaking about all sorts of LOVE,.. brother-LOVE, sister-LOVE, family-LOVE,...or even so-called "forbidden-LOVE".

LOVE can not be avoided this year - pain to some extend YES. 

LOVE this year is one more time LIKE OXYGEN. You might think one moment in this start-of-the-year, that something goes wrong,.. but it all goes RIGHT.

Personally,.. some of the most dear persons in my life, I love from the distance. 
Maybe I saw them only some hours in my life. And only really some of my readers have this HOLLYWOOD-dream-LIFE.

Our families are in test, our romances  got disturbed by the ups and downs they techincally must undergo... Who stays with You like the SUN over the CLOUDS is GOD alone
and its the GREAT LEARNING and of course all those, who are with You in the great SPIRITUAL CIRCLE.

This upcoming week You will feel it one more day on 15.1. so clear. MARS/JUPITER,.. the FIGHT FOR TRUTH was just now exact and on 15.1. it will be MOON/SATURN.

In the sidereal vedic view of planet-movements a brunch of STARS are NOW moving into CAPRICORN supporting isolation and Your personal exil before the VENUS-explosion this year, - a time in which You realise all this what is meant for You.

And - never forget - in the process of development in this YEAR, VENUS, our 2018-ruler all-ways holds HIGH the REAL THING,.. because of all these
presents I just descriped. Its HER Year,.. the YEAR of the GODDESS.

Great deals, great businesses because of PLUTO/JUPITER-ASPECT until 26.1. can make their start right now,.. lot of movements lead to a more solid and bright future for You folks,.. GOD BLESS

Yours ART Astrologer.