Samstag, 11. März 2017

Maybe Things are running not according Your Taste (VENUS) but finally it will be all for good

Dear Friends 
Maybe some things are presently not at all according to "your taste" (VENUS)
but you will see that in the end - somewhere after 15.4.  - everything what happened until then, was just for THE GOOD (or at least unavoidable and therefore Distany).

This is the great power of the retrogade VENUS, which between the end of March and noticeable until early May in in a SQUARE with the SATURN (Mr. Policeman under the Planets)
Why for so long? Well, first of all, VENUS will be RETRO, and after that SATURN will become RETRO (just when VENUS is going to be DIRECT again).

First we ask: "Is this really what my

heart desires?", to only ask there short after: "But is it really realistic? What is on a longterm perpective the best way/decision?"

VENUS relates to everything that is enjoyable and pleasure-giving for us.

In her RETROGRADE motion we start to ask ourselves: What is actually still enjoyable for me? What is the price which I have to pay on long-term for this work, relationship, contact, contract i.e.? Does it fit, does it suit me still?
After all,... let us not forget: We are

soon living in a SUN-Year. A Year which promotes our personal and our common goals, hopes, wishes and visions!I think no one of us can escape the clarification. We can not stop to make experiences, we cannot stop to exist. Therefore my confidential Tip for
this time-period is simple and straight-forward:

NOT THE GOAL MAKES US PEOPLE, BUT THE WAY.On the path of this experience ahead
of us, it is advised to not be too judgmental and critical towards others.

We are in a state of purification. If someone is standing under the shower already, you will not say: " Hey, you are still dirty  here..."

Wrong words slip out too fast... 

Do You remember? Last Year, a MARS-Year, MARS was only always in two signs: SCORPIO AND SAGITTARIUS.
These Days much of us will feel enlivened by the NEW MARS, now in ARIES. Finally much of us can work again "normally", more forceful and enthusiastic :-)
Your next Session with me 

I would like to point out that in a personal session we could determine

the developments that you, the reader in this exciting time, have to expect. Just send me a personal appointment-desire-request

One more thing I want to make aware of: Because of different requests I opened a new FACEBOOK Page.

As more people press the FOLLOW BUTTON I will post first weekly and then maybe even daily short ASTRO Meditations.

The FOLLOW-Button-Page is HERE: 

There is also a REVIEW BUTTON  activated, where You are able to give STARS to your Art Astrologer,.. the Person who normally give You STARS. 😇All the Best. Enjoy the SUNDAY Full-moon tomorrow
Namaskar Ys ART Astrologer

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