Freitag, 11. Mai 2018

it makes You 2018

If I think about writing a newsletter a lot of things pop up in my mind these days. But as my daily schedule is somewhat too though I can not write books about it 😏.

On longterm I also concentrade on my VIDEOS and so therefore in my newest VIDEO (please see down) I want to give You an idea, what is the best additude to dive into the next months.

But this exalted KETU/MARS - (sometimes even in SQUARE with URANUS!) is much much more than the catalysator I discripe here. It also brings the chance for playing too much with the fire as things can
develope so quick, slip out of our control and then we would become victim of the situation.

Therefore I humbly emphasize to You readers to just for a moment focus on the upcoming weeks and please get an idea of HOW and WHAT could make You become angry these days? 

WHAT exactly must happen for You personally to loose Your temper and slip into wrong decisions?

If You at one point are clear WHERE EXACTLY the enemy sits You will be better prepared then walking blindly into the next month until October 2018.

Like other Astrologers I also have an
eye on the TERROR- potentual which this constellation has. But eventhough this danger is defently there - in our private and in our collective field - I would like to highlight, that we ALSO could work out our energys and dreams douple as good out with this constellation, as in other years.

Feeling these stars of the next weeks and months I had asked myself: 

Is this VENUS-YEAR not much much more a MARS YEAR, with this long MARS-KETU-YOGA? (which arises due to MARS getting retrogade between 27. 06. 2018 – 27. 08. 2018)

But its still a VENUS-year, simply because VENUS, - self-LOVE and care for others MUST BE the answer here!

Also let us remember that the last words in some matters will be spoken in the time when VENUS herself gets retrogade between 05.10.2018 - 16.11.2018

So lets keep in touch and please get clear in which PLACES You have MARS/KETU and URANUS active in Your own horoscope in the very importend time of HAPPENINGS and DECISIONS between NOW and October.

ALSO: From today until 23.5. URANUS-MARS is for the first time exact.
Just today a hysteric little pinchy-dog in the neigborhood were barking for hours and stole almost my whole siesta time (I work mostly mornings and evenings).

What I want to say to You with this? 
Be prepared to get provocated. (CARS DRIVERS PLEASE TAKE MORE CARE!) Its unfortuantly not the most easy time now.

But actually,.. in the between there will be huge SKY-BREAKS with aspects
which are able to open to You doors, which You never were allowing Yourself to even dream of.

And maybe I could coach the one or other towards this great chance in Your life.


ART Astrologer