Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018

Astrotrend 19.1.2018
MOON joins in TENSION to MARS and JUPITER. Sensitivity in dealing with other persons. Many have to deal with the past and still try to get their 2018-situation under control.

We can therefore assume that everyone is 89.9% self-centered and Mother Theresas are in short supply these days.  

Good prepared with velvet-gloves one
still could meet others and somewhat master the day.

Oh, .. oh yes, .. please, if necessary, also bring a set of velvet gloves for yourself and hand over to the others before the action starts.

Samstag, 13. Januar 2018

No cheap Love - Isolation Stars

The 2018 Start, means, the VENUS -
Year-start still has to come in March, because only then the YEAR-ruler gets into HER work.

BUT,.. the year starts with a big preperation and purification. VENUS has pass SATURN already on Chrismas, is just now with PLUTO and will be with KETU end of January,

About SATURN, means WHAT/CAN really be long-lasting (not only LOVE but also projects-money, as SATURN were in a relation with MERCURY as well)

About PLUTO, its this "NETI - NETI",.. "its not THIS and its not THAT,.. yeah,. WHAT IS IT THEN?"

Things, relation, even businesses start to peal, like "God is pealing Your "LIFE-POTATO".

Then at the end: VENUS-KETU = deliverance, around end of this month, not to mention VENUS aspect to URANUS these days (freeing whirlpool of affections).

So, let go some of Your sorts of wrong romantic ideas about Your LOVE-life alltogether. Just be ready for a more realistic view on HOW and with WHOM you really can live, WHOM You really could breath most of Your days and how this LIVING could anyway look like. And those of my readers who are not living alone by now, lets arrange better orders how to organize ourselves more authentic.

In all this purification and realizations stay polite to all this great souls around You. You could call it: Sometimes You love the wrong, or "that You love someone, not necessary means, that You allowed to spend much time together, or "what You can not change, You must tolerate".

And practise this chinese techniqe, by which You visulize someone You really
adore and then take this feeling to the ones You think that they are Your enemy.

By the way,.. I am speaking about all sorts of LOVE,.. brother-LOVE, sister-LOVE, family-LOVE,...or even so-called "forbidden-LOVE".

LOVE can not be avoided this year - pain to some extend YES. 

LOVE this year is one more time LIKE OXYGEN. You might think one moment in this start-of-the-year, that something goes wrong,.. but it all goes RIGHT.

Personally,.. some of the most dear persons in my life, I love from the distance. 
Maybe I saw them only some hours in my life. And only really some of my readers have this HOLLYWOOD-dream-LIFE.

Our families are in test, our romances  got disturbed by the ups and downs they techincally must undergo... Who stays with You like the SUN over the CLOUDS is GOD alone
and its the GREAT LEARNING and of course all those, who are with You in the great SPIRITUAL CIRCLE.

This upcoming week You will feel it one more day on 15.1. so clear. MARS/JUPITER,.. the FIGHT FOR TRUTH was just now exact and on 15.1. it will be MOON/SATURN.

In the sidereal vedic view of planet-movements a brunch of STARS are NOW moving into CAPRICORN supporting isolation and Your personal exil before the VENUS-explosion this year, - a time in which You realise all this what is meant for You.

And - never forget - in the process of development in this YEAR, VENUS, our 2018-ruler all-ways holds HIGH the REAL THING,.. because of all these
presents I just descriped. Its HER Year,.. the YEAR of the GODDESS.

Great deals, great businesses because of PLUTO/JUPITER-ASPECT until 26.1. can make their start right now,.. lot of movements lead to a more solid and bright future for You folks,.. GOD BLESS

Yours ART Astrologer.