Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017

red flag chance

Tomorrow is new-moon a new circle starts. There are still people in this world, even spiritual people, who think astrology is unimportend. These people I want ask: Is the weather for You
unimportend? Is it unimportend if there is sunshine or rain, if its winter or if its spring? If its day or if its night? Do you not plan your activities accordingly?If You can answer these questions with YES. I recommend to read further. 

Presently we have stars, which are testing us quiet intense. 

On the beach You see sometimes the red, sometimes the yellow and at peaceful times the green flag. These days we could say that the red flag should be raised.
Already the manchester-tragedy was a manifestation for MARS - SATURN OPPOSITION. MARS in Mrigisha Nakshatra in OPPOSITION to MULA (Sagitarious) means acting (MARS) against ethical Laws (SATURN). However,.. under certain considerations this aspect and also other constellations we have right now, could be a great chance for new ways and directions in Your life. For example breaking a personal matrix and limitation.

Then we have the BEST Maya (Illusion) Constellation, which I personally know: JUPITER - VENUS OPPOSITION. This constellation effects in a way, that the inner guidance gets more and more lost during this period. And You dwell much easier and in much more volume in Your VENUS - Desires.
Now its actually time to get active and connect them with Your spiritual goals.

Aside of this we have actually very beautiful stars,.. its "a bitter-honey-mix". 

Set Your eager plans for weekend 3/4.6. and don t start really before 9.6.

Do You see? There is a lot to say about the astrological weather-report. And I still didnt really start.
If You have any personal questions, don't hesitate to approach me over mail, WHATS APP or SKYPE.
ys ART Astrologer

Freitag, 5. Mai 2017

The Stairway to a better Life

The Thematic of next Fullmoon / Month of May

VENUS is the GURU of KAMA (Everything what feels good) and JUPITER is
the GURU of MOKSHA (Wisdom and then final Salvation/Liberation). 

On 10.5. the Full-MOON is exact. JUPITER and VENUS and SUN and MOON are standing in OPPOSITION. (actually JUPITER- VENUS is exact 17 to 19.5. but anyway is felt more or less the whole Month). 

Later in the second Part of the Month SATURN - MARS are going in OPPOSITION too.

Uhhhuuu that feels like the Universe puts us in Pieces so that we put ourselves together again.
And lets not forget ITS SPRING TIME!

JUPITER - VENUS will become a great Chance for all of us. Already these Days in Advance You will become more and more confronted with all the VENUS-Things, which You have not integrated yet.... Everything feels sooooo much,.. sooo good ,... tooo good? Well, on the other Side stands JUPITER, the wise Teacher. He has something to SAY to VENUS,... something VENUS is not always comphortable to HEAR but actually,.. She should HEAR now!
On the one Hand we never should reject the Things our conditional Nature is hankering for, but to INTEGRATE THEM rightly means to train ourselves to remember HOW we can connect them with a higher ethical Source.

JUPITER VENUS OPPOSITION (see Graphic, JUPITER is red VENUS is green) brings the Moment where You experience THE SPLIT inside of Yourself. These Days You again experience very intense WHAT EXACTLY pulls You away from JUPITER (Wisdom,.. Your ULTIMATE GOOD).

You know this Game already. but now in the next 15 Days You will get a Chance to make good Decisions here and make immense Progress then.

SATURN  - MARS OPPOSITION does the same,.. SATURN even holds on MARS (Your Actions) in a more uncomfortable Way. Indeed,.. some of You out there might meet the Policeman on the Road,.. sitting in the Car (MARS), giving You a Fee for something You did wrong.

This Way or that Way,... we get pulled on a Sidetrack,.. while simultaneously
we just are about to enjoy in great Ways. And we are held back,.. to start the Game in a new,.. hopeful better Way, than before.

And IT (the IMPROVEMENT) really feels good,.. because VENUS (in Transit) is good with MARS,.. and MARS good with JUPITER. At the End we will do maybe a great Job.

I personally don't remember one similar Nrishimhacaturdasi (9.5.) where the Stars were so much TYPICAL for bringing in Awareness, what we have
to master still. And the most special is that MARS (Planet of Nrishimadev) supports JUPITER this Time in a positive Aspect.

Dear Reader,.. I wish You a great Time and that You find the Key for opening one more Door.

And Folks... if the HYPER or the NERVES or the TEMPER or the MIND or the LUCK or the ANGER takes over.... just approach me over mail,.. because the ART ASTROLOGER,.. is already there for You