Montag, 24. April 2017


About the content: Compatibility between 2 persons (Important! Not only marriage / relationship but also employer-employee, friendship etc.) 

Keywords: Basis / platform, where you meet, "how is the chemistry between you", opportunities / possible friction-points and solutions, prospects, joint successes. 

About partnership/marriage (possible family-founding): In addition to an opinion on whether there is enough physical attraction, do temperaments harmonize, a general intellectual and spiritual overlook. 

I will of course look, if enough tolerance is given.
Which kind of conflicts and dangers, which might later lead to a separation or alienation could appear?
On the other Hand I will discuss all the highlights / good times in the individual love relationship / means the history of the relationship will be discussed (Book of Love). 

My attitude during this AUDIO-Voice-Recording Session is, that I examine whether and to what extent this is a relationship for the whole life" (I lay the charts 5-10-20-30 years next to each other). 

Is there a common path? Can tests, (hard times / destiny) be passed together? Will the couple live in prosperity? What surprises does the relationship hold?  

My motivation during this horoscope analysis is to "reduce the ocean of broken hearts". 

Other relationships: Here I simply place mutual chemistry in the foreground. How do they work, understand each other, and what experiences do they have in common and to make which each other? Whats the karma?

In the case of this horoscope-format, it may be necessary to inform me in advance about what is to be discussed in particular in the consultation. (In many cases, however, I often see what is important in the particular connection, and what are the main themes). 

In the conclusion of this analysis I will give all kind of works a NOTE in the stile of school system at the end (1 = very good, 2 = good, etc.).  

This offer is for those, who want to know how an astrologer addresses the chances of a certain relationship. What can you expect from a relationship and what not? What is the development potential, which dynamics, which fate has a connection? Important: Data from both partners! Available as: AUDIO-MP3  

Time: 90 to 120 min 
approx 4-14 days
Price: 380.00 €

Samstag, 15. April 2017

inside is outside

Dear Readers

Yes,.. Inside is now Outside,.. going Return is Progress,.. today as I write
this 3 Planets are retrograde,...VENUS is stationed,... just stops her retrograde Motion, but will be exact in the Square with SATURN one more Time on 19.4.

Let me tell You what has to be expected.

As all those Planets are retrograde, VENUS is on 17.4., next Monday in good Aspect to MARS, and SUN, URANUS and MERCURY are almost the whole Week in a YOGA (Embrace each other) and in good Aspect to SATURN.

Now its Time for Honesty and Vision.
Take the Essence out of all Your Experiences and write it on Your Wall!
Sweep nothing under the Carpet. Clarify to Your Beloved what YOUR REALLY MEANT in earlier Conferences You had, all this please 
before 19.4. !!!

Then with "clean Table" put Your Heart-Goal and inner Diamond before Your "inner Eye". All those Things You once begun but never finished to Your Satisfaction.

Now is the right Time.You have the
LINK towards Yourself. URANUS want make You explode,.. but You should not nervously run like an Idiot from left to right, but "explode" full of Creativity "within".

Concentrate. Dont throw Things out of the Window You later would regret.

Again: Be careful and honest, but not silly and undiplomatic

Prepare for an intense Time with bright Ideas, new Freedom and hopefully a more healthy Situation.

If You feel insecure with some of Your Decisions, don't hesitate to contact me. Dont be too spontaneous.

Yours ART Astrologer